




福祥福企业管理团队是一家致力于传播中国传统文化的团队,我们的使命是将福祥福的正能量传递给每一个人,让他们享受更幸福、更吉祥的生活。 我们相信,福祥福不仅仅是一种状态,更是一种生活方式。

Company Profile:

Fuxiangfu Enterprise Management Team is a team dedicated to spreading Chinese traditional culture. Our mission is to pass on the positive energy of Fuxiangfu to everyone, so that they can enjoy a happier and more auspicious life. We believe that happiness is not just a state, but a way of life.


我们的使命是通过创意和创新,将福祥福融入人们的生活,让他们在工作、家庭和社交中感受到福祥福的祝福。 我们致力于为客户提供各种福祥福相关产品和服务,以满足不同需求和偏好。 

Our mission:

Our mission is to integrate Fuxiangfu into people's lives through creativity and innovation, so that they can feel the blessings of Fuxiangfu at work, family and social life. We are committed to providing customers with a variety of Fuxiangfu related products and services to meet different needs and preferences.



2. 福祥福装饰品: 为家居和办公场所提供各种福祥福装饰品,如挂画、雕塑和摆件,让您的环境充满正能量。 

3. 福祥福礼品:定制福祥福礼品,适用于各种场合,如生日、结婚和节日,传达您对亲朋好友的祝福。 


products and services: 

1. Fuxiangfu jewelry: We offer a range of exquisite Fuxiangfu jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc., to bring good luck and auspiciousness.

2. Fuxiangfu decorations: We provide a variety of Fuxiangfu decorations for homes and offices, such as hanging paintings, sculptures and ornaments, to fill your environment with positive energy.

3. Fuxiangfu gifts: Customized Fuxiangfu gifts, suitable for various occasions, such as birthdays, weddings and festivals, to convey your blessings to relatives and friends.

4. Fuxiangfu event planning: We provide Fuxiangfu-themed event planning services for individual and corporate customers, including celebrations, exhibitions and training, to make events more meaningful.

愿景:我们的愿景是成为福祥福领域的领先企业,不仅在国内,还在国际上赢得声誉。 我们希望通过不断创新和提供卓越的产品和服务,让更多人享受福祥福的祝福,共同创造更美好的世界。 


Our vision is to become a leading enterprise in the field of fuxiangfu and gain reputation not only domestically but also internationally. We hope that through continuous innovation and providing excellent products and services, more people can enjoy the blessings of good fortune and jointly create a better world.

联系我们:如果您对福祥福源企业有兴趣或有任何疑问,请随时联系我们的客户服务团队,我们将竭诚为您提供帮助。 感谢您对福祥福源企业有限公司的关注,期待与您一起传播福祥福的力量,共创美好未来。

Contact Us: 

If you are interested in Fuxiang Fuyuan Enterprises or have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team and we will be happy to help you. Thank you for your attention to Fuxiang Fuyuan Enterprise Co., Ltd., and we look forward to working with you to spread the power of Fuxiangfu and create a better future together.

我们的 · 团队

Company team
